
For Horses! Effective in the treatment of: Arthritis, OCDs, Osteochondrosis, (Osteochondritis Dissecans), Bone Cysts, DJD (Degenerative Joint Disease), Epiphysitis, Osteoarthritis, Navicular Syndrome, Sesamoiditis, Bucked Shins, Bone Lesions, Slab Fractures, etc.
Nutri-Vet Hip & Joint Advanced Strength Chewable Tablets for Dogs

Hip & Joint Advanced Strength is a powerful blend of Glucosamine, chondrotin and MSM to maximize healthy joint function and connective tissue (cartilage and bone).

Our price: $40.00
OCD Pellets (Optimal Cartilage Development)

A solution to your equine orthopedic problems.

OCD Pellets is effective in the treatment of: Equine OCDs, Osteochondrosis, (Osteochondritis Dissecans), Bone Cysts, DJD (Degenerative Joint Disease), Epiphysitis, Osteoarthritis, Navicular Syndrome, Sesamoiditis, Bucked Shins, Bone Lesions, Slab Fractures,  etc.

Our price: $98.00